Cook books.

Postby jenny_haddow » Thu Jul 13, 2006 2:25 pm

Just finished reading through Jane Grigson's English Food and feel quite inspired to make a raised mutton pie. An entertaining read which cost me 1p from Amazon.
Nose to Tail Eating is next on the menu.
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Postby Wohoki » Mon Jul 17, 2006 11:42 am

Hi Jen, I'm pleased you enjoyed the Grigson book. I like it, and my Dad saw it and swiped it so I may have to get back on eBay to get another one.

As to "Nose To Tail Eating", this is one of the great cook-books of all time. Anyone who visits this forum regularly WILL love it, and words fail me to describe it. I made the marrow-bone with parsley salad last week and it brought tears to my eyes that such a simple recipe could be so good. Awe inspiring food, and simple.
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Postby moggy » Wed Jul 19, 2006 12:51 pm

I've just been given a 1923 copy of Mrs Beetons Cookery book - what a treasure it is!
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Postby dougal » Mon Aug 14, 2006 2:03 pm

Cookbook porn warning!

Given the previous favourable comments about Jane Grigson's "English food", I wonder whether people know about Thebookpeople ?

For quite a while they have had a deal with *8* seriously worthwhile paperback classic cookbooks - for a tenner!
Real Fast Puddings by Nigel Slater
Real Fast Food by Nigel Slater
Italian Food by Elizabeth David
A Book of Mediterranean Food by Elizabeth David
Summer Cooking by Elizabeth David
English Food by Jane Grigson
A Celebration of Soup by Lindsey Bareham
English Seafood Cookery by Rick Stein
Its very well worth it, even if you are only missing three of them... :D

They have some cookery books on special at the moment too.
And there's a lot of rather desireable stuff on offer on their site. Twelve, Roast Figs Sugar Snow, Casa Moro, a couple of Mr Ramsay's...
BTW, Food and Drink is found in the "lifestyle" section, and always check out the "bookends"...

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Postby jenny_haddow » Mon Aug 14, 2006 3:06 pm

That is a good deal Dougal, and a useful link. Thanks very much.


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Postby Fricandeau » Wed Sep 20, 2006 1:20 pm

Here's one no-one's mentioned: "Japanese Cooking, a simple art," by Shizuo Tsuji. The title is rubbish: "simple" must be a relative term, but if you have a desire to add a genuinely different slant to your cooking this is great. A lot of the food is very palatable and it does give a whole new palete of tastes to add (for example, I cooked a beef stew using dashi and soy as a base, instead of the old boiled bones. It was as tasty as any stew I've ever made, but it was light and fragrant, rather than rib-sticking.)
Vegetarian food: fine as a side.
Vegetarians: not bad, but they don't crisp up very well.
Vegans: should go back to Vega.
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