by Rough Country Boy » Wed Mar 22, 2006 9:51 am
I hope I am not too late to answer this, but as a Kiwi very new to this forum I would firstly, late again, welcome you to N.Z.
As for feeding meat to pigs, it should not be done and there are dozens of very good reasons apart from it being illegal. Even your own pigs and your own swill, but if you do make sure you boil it bloody well. Pigs are very much like us and can catch all sorts of diseases just like us too, so it could be false economy.
One very good reason for never ever feeding raw meat to pigs is that if they get the liking for raw meat they can become canables, or even worse, become very dangerous. They are extremely strong and if you were in the pen and they smelt blood on you, they will have a go at eating the hands that feed them and as well as the rest of you. There has in the past been documented cases where farmers have been killed and eaten by their own pigs.
So, please don't go down that road.
Just a rough Country Boy