johngaltsmotor wrote:I'd be inclined to try a white blood sausage.
(But that could be because I have a friend getting hogs slaughtered and am awaiting blood and ofel to make a first attempt myself).
Thanks, but i dont have ready access to blood...makes me sad
Dogfish wrote:Hearts go well in hotdogs.
Thanks..did that last year...sort of thought it was a waste of a heart. Looking to do something that features the cuts
BriCan wrote:Liver into faggots and heart into peperoni
Now we're talking...wait...isn't a faggot a stack of wood? (Sorry...i'm a montypython fan). I have to admit I've not heard of these faggots that you speak of. Can you steer me to more info?
For the pepporoni..are you just substituting the heart for the beef component?