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Question about cleaning grinder

PostPosted: Sun Dec 23, 2018 1:47 am
by Arizona.Scott
About 6 months ago I bought a fairly small electric grinder to make sausages. I used it a couple of times when I first got it and set it aside until today when I made some more brats. When I was cleaning I found that the socket where the back of the screw goes into the grinder machine itself (not the funnel) had what looked like grease or something in it... I have bleached it and scrubbed it but it does not seem like this all comes clean and it is also hard to get to so it seems like it may not need as much attention as the parts that come into regular contact with the meat. I can see how some meat might get squished back into it but not back into the meat side of the screw either... my questions to you are... how does one clean this? Should I throw away the sausages I just made since it looks like it was not well cleaned?

Thanks in advance!

Re: Question about cleaning grinder

PostPosted: Sun Dec 23, 2018 1:18 pm
by NCPaul
Welcome to the forum. :D The grease used on the gears should be food grade, so while not appealing, should not be harmful and reason to discard your brats.