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Tongue Press

PostPosted: Wed Feb 16, 2005 12:58 pm
by fayvinplace
:) Hi all, new to the group, but I have a topic I have been dying to discuss. Does anyone know where i can buy a tongue press. Thats for doing things like ox tongue and pigs trotters and such. I someone knows where I can get one, or view on online perhaps, so that I can have one made up, I would greatly appreciate it.

I have some pigs trotters in the freezer and I would love to gell it all down for a luncheon press. I believe its nice.

I know that this is strickly not about sausages, but this one is bugging me. More to come, but this one first.

Thanks in advance, hope to hear from some of you soon.

All the best.

PostPosted: Wed Feb 16, 2005 8:12 pm
by Oddley
Hi fayvinplace welcome to the forum

I've had a good look round and the nearest thing I've come up with is a meat press.

At �39.95 not bad to go to the site Click Here.

If you manage to cure an OX tongue please post the recipe and your experience.