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Metallic Ham and Slimy Brine

PostPosted: Tue Dec 11, 2007 9:17 am
by Fallow Buck
Hi All,

I have just taken my Xmas Gammons out of the Brine (I used Franco's Wiltshire Cure). They were 6kg's each and I cured for the 10Day/Kg in a submersed brine. I took the early Hocks out and they were fine but when they came out there wasn't enough meat to submerse the hams so I made up 6litres of Salt/Sugar/Saltpetre brine according to a recipe I found here on the site.

I took them out of the Brine on Sunday and retied them, and boiled a small joint of about 1.5kg (about an hour later). The taste was Metallic (best I can describe).

The main Joints I have Vac Packed and frozen.

The other ting was that when I took the hams out of the brine, the remaining liquid had a slimy consistency. All the meat smells fine.

Any thoughts about the tang and the slimy brine?


PostPosted: Tue Dec 11, 2007 10:33 am
by saucisson
The slimy brine sounds like it might be a Lacto infection, as you sometimes get in home brew. In liquid culture the lacto baccilus grow in long invisible strands, turning the liquid gloopy. The metallic tang you get may be as a result of the lowered pH the growth of the lacto causes, a good thing in a highly spiced salami, but not necessarily in a ham, from a flavour point of view.

What was the recipe for the top up mix, what were the relative volumes of top up (6L) to original brine (?) and what temperature did you cure at?


PostPosted: Tue Dec 11, 2007 4:45 pm
by Fallow Buck
Hi dave,

Strangely enough it was one that you posted:

126 gm Salt
126 gm Sugar
6 gm Saltpetre

I made up 6 litres to add to the existing 10 litres that were in the brine.

I cured in a fridge which has been running at 5-10 degrees.


PostPosted: Tue Dec 11, 2007 7:03 pm
by wheels
Additives in the salt?

Dave suggestion's got to be favourite though.

I have used the same cure - one of Oddleys?
