Beer cheese deer dogs

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Beer cheese deer dogs

Postby Jocosausage » Mon Jan 07, 2019 1:19 pm

Hey to the forum, so hope I'm posting this question in the right place. I make deer hot dogs every year at the end of season. Last year I added Fat Tire beer to my mix instead of water. Used 1 cup of powdered milk per 5 pounds and Sausage Maker Weiner seasoning at label rate. Stuffed into the smallest hog casing available. Also bag of hot temp cheddar cheese. I smoked until burgundy color then ice bath.

Turned out great, but beer taste was not as prominent as I wanted. Any tips on my next batch? Another beer? Or should I soak the dogs in beer after they smoke? Thanks
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Re: Beer cheese deer dogs

Postby ComradeQ » Tue Jan 08, 2019 3:32 pm

I think it will be hard to get a strong enough beer taste by adding beer straight to the sausage mass. Two thoughts come to mind, you can try slowly reducing your beer down to a more concentrated level before adding to your mass. I have not done this myself but I imagine it would work. My other thought is some kind of flavour concentrate: or I have tried none of those products so don't quote me on any of them. Cooking in beer will also add another level of taste but I do not think soaking after smoking will achieve much.
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Re: Beer cheese deer dogs

Postby Jocosausage » Wed Jan 09, 2019 1:11 am

Thanks for the insight. The last batch turned out pretty good...but you are probably right about getting the beer taste stonger. I may try a stronger beer this time just to give it a try. The beer flavorings would be interesting to try.
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