Fat is rendering out of salami in ferment??

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Fat is rendering out of salami in ferment??

Postby Salami Student » Sun Mar 24, 2013 12:03 pm

In my last two batches of salami Ive had rendering of fat in my fermentation. I am not sure why, is this normal?
I am fermenting around 80F although the temp stays more around 74F. I am using a 100 watt light bulb inside an old fridge which is hooked up to a temp controller. I am wondering if anyone can shed some insight on the issue. I feel like my mix was done correctly and in the case of the first batch I actually mixed it inside a walk in freezer.
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Re: Fat is rendering out of salami in ferment??

Postby wheels » Sun Mar 24, 2013 2:37 pm

Is the light bulb very close to the salami? The temperature around the bulb will be far greater than the average; I wonder whether it's that causing it?

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Re: Fat is rendering out of salami in ferment??

Postby bwalt822 » Wed Apr 03, 2013 9:41 pm

I've had some liquid or fat seep out during fermentation and they seem to come out fine. Its been in the 3-5% range for weight loss but i've had as high as 10% when it got a little too warm. I ferment with a crock pot filled with water on low in the oven with the bottom rack wrapped in foil to distribute heat evenly.
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Re: Fat is rendering out of salami in ferment??

Postby quietwatersfarm » Thu Apr 04, 2013 11:46 am

I'm not acquainted with using small cabinets for curing etc, but it seems from both Wheels and Jason M's excellent blog articles on the subject that they have to be much more carefully and delicately controlled than the bigger rooms that I am used too. Air flow and fluctuations in temp and humidity have far less room to 'even out' and thus seem capable of affecting results very quickly.

The only light bulb I have is to see where I'm going when its too dark!

Where abouts are you in teh world and whats the typical ambient conditions you are starting from?
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