I didn't know which area of the forum to post these questions but I think this is the most appropriate.
1. I have read to soak the liver for X amount of time (30 minutes to an hour) and then clean the liver. It seems this will make them nice and soft and easier to work with, is it the best method? I will be making pates out of them so scraping the knife along the connective tissue doesn't matter, there is no presentation required.
2. Poach then grind/Grind then poach. It seems that for Braunschweiger the liver is always soaked, trimmed, poached, chilled, pureed and processed with the meat/bacon.
For other applications ie. country pate the liver is soaked, trimmed, pureed, then mixed with the meat.
In a German Liverwurst recipe a member gave me the meat is cooked through, liver is ground, then emulsified together with spices. Then cased and cooked further.
Is there any explanation to the different methods? Or is it simply different styles of using the liver?
3. I make a chicken mousse with onion, carrot, garlic, capers cooked in the same pan i sear the chicken liver in. Then cook down some brandy and marsala or port wine and chill. Mix this with = parts by weight soft butter in a food processor. Does anyone have a good recipe for a pork mousse or is this unherd of?
4. Any good recipes are appreciated! Pork/Chicken/foie gras being the main things I use and have access to.