by ComradeQ » Sat Sep 07, 2019 5:09 pm
Don't do it, don't fall for the lies around nitrites in bacon. Without nitrite your bacon will taste like a pork roast and the chances of dangerous nasties making you sick are too high for my liking. Besides, if you are trying to mimic some of those "nitrite free bacons" that are sold all around, they are a lie. Every single one I have seen uses celery cures ... these cures are still utilizing the natural nitrite present in the celery to do the exact same thing to the meat. However, they often have much higher levels of nitrites than one that uses cure #1 as it is hard to control the incoming nitrite when using celery cures. If you are concerned about nitrosomine formation in your cooked bacon do one of three things (better yet do them all); 1) Don't cook your bacon to burnt/crisp. Nitrosomines form even when they are not used to cure meat when you burn/char things. A burger containing zero added nitrites that is cooked to black will have nitrosomine formation. 2) Add ascorbic acid or sodium ascorbate to your cure mix before rubbing on the meat. These are simply a form of vitamin C, a powerful antioxidant that helps to counteract the formation of nitrosomines. 3) Utilize an equilibrium cure and carefully measure using a small jewelry scale (something that can measure very small increments) all your cure ingredients. Extend your cure time to include a period of rest/equalization before and after smoking.
I hope you are willing to try utilizing proper cures for your own safety. There are many great bacon recipes on the forum for you to learn from. I recommended the wonderful resources Wheels has posted with some bacon calculators as a great starting point.