I came across this series of seven articles today. Each page has link to a couple or three of of the featured chef's recipes:
http://www.starchefs.com/features/trend ... ndex.shtml
It may be of interest.
the chorizo kid wrote:for vindii regarding the odds of 2 people from milwaukee: there was a fellow using "croat" as a "name" a while back; he was also from milwaukee. i suppose the suasage tradition of the central/eastern europeans that live in the milwaukee area, plus the many superb sausage makers on every block when we were kids in the 1950s/60s, plus nearby usingers/johnsonville/klements etc, plus the many breweries when we were kids [brats and beer], plus the homade sausages at ethnic weddings and ethnic festivals when we were kids [and even now], plus making sausage with grandfather [when we were kids], plus the ready availability of ingredients and suppplies locally; plus pure co-incidence, because the same could be said for chicago, pittsbutgh, cleveland etc. probably just co-incidence. wisconsin is sausage heaven. i just toured pennsylvania from west to east and did not find even one rural shop that sold ho-made sausages; not even in lncaster county. here in wisonsin you fall all over them. pleased to meet you, bro!
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