While trolling the web (deep trolling) I came across this little gem (well at least I think so ) some may or may not know that I am not all what people think I am and I really do not know everything ~~ the thing is I tend to do things old school (as I was taught) and can be set in my ways
As many of you might know I do my curing/fermenting/drying as I would if I was to be doing it out of my home. It seems that I as with everyone else have a hard time battling against case hardening as I no longer work/run the smokehouse where the refer took care of everything (unconventional but it worked). The curing and fermenting do not seem to be the problem, what is is the dreaded case of ‘case hardening’ even with my set up(s) at work it is always a constant juggle to keep the humidity up in the drying process.
At first upon reading about this curing chamber I was skeptical about it working (being on the cheap side) but seeing as I have a bakers rack all I needed was the cover and $35 later and three days hence I seemed to have got myself a cheap drying chamber
Here is the link to the site I found and below are the photos of my set up with Bresaola drying, next to go in will the Coppa
http://low-on-the-hog.blogspot.ca/2013/ ... amber.html