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Safety of case hardened Salami

PostPosted: Sun Feb 03, 2013 4:51 pm
by ericrice
So I've been kicking this around but wanted to throw it out to members with more knowledge than I. If a salami is case hardened somewhat, obvious darker ring but 30% or close weight loss I understand the look and texture may not be perfect but my real question - is it harmful to eat it. I understand without the appropriate water loss it wouldn't be shelf stable but I tend to think with the culture and cure it is safe to eat if refrigerated and consumed in a few days. Thoughts?

PostPosted: Sun Feb 03, 2013 8:53 pm
by wheels
Do you have a vac-pac machine? If so, or you can get access to one, vac-pac it for a couple of weeks - it's said to 'even things out'.



PostPosted: Sun Feb 03, 2013 10:23 pm
by ericrice
I do - have one wheels - thanks really just wondering if something slightly to moderately case hardened needs to be binned. I tend to think it is safe to eat but....

Re: Safety of case hardened Salami

PostPosted: Sat Feb 16, 2013 9:56 pm
by Y@t
I Have eaten several salamis at the 30% mark. I think (my opinion and experience) that if the 30% stage is reached quickly enough it is ok. I have had some salamis that case hardened, they eventually lost the proper amount of weight, but when cut open had the smell of funk. I think they took way to long to lose the weight (improper Aw change) and did not smell appetizing. The nose knows...

Re: Safety of case hardened Salami

PostPosted: Sun Feb 17, 2013 12:50 am
by wheels
Logically, if they've case hardened, they lose lots at the edge and none in the middle.

So 30% is an average of the two. One may be 50% and one 10%. As such, the 50% should be safe, and the 10% not so.

To my mind, if you don't even the two out, the product won't be safe.
