Hi all!
First off, I apologise if this question is screamingly obvious. I've been dabbling in the world of curing and smoking for around a whole ten days now, and every question I have results in a tidal wave of conflicting opinions.
At present, I'm just doing some simple curing, but intend to get going with more advanced stuff once I'm up and running.
My main confusion seems to stem from the curing environment. Not only are there a plethora of opinions out there, but there are also plenty of folks who insist that their way is the only way, and if it's not followed to the letter, then death (or at best impotence) will surely follow. Now, I might be somewhat new to all this, but many years ago I had an uncle who had a leg of cured bacon hanging in his kitchen as a regular feature. He ate slices off it on a regular basis, summer and winter, and lived to be 93, when he died falling off a roof (no, I don't understand why a 93 year old would take it upon himself to replace his own roof tiles).
I understand that the need is for a balance of temperature, humidity and airflow. From what I've read, temperature should be roughly between 50-60 degrees F/8-15 degrees C. To this end, I've secured a cheap secondhand wine cooler with a temperature range of 45-65 degrees F/7-18 degrees C. The internal capacity is 132 litres, so it's not huge. Next up comes air flow - I'll finish off with humidity because that's my problem. For airflow, I am wondering whether regular use - I'll be checking on things in there often - will be enough, given the small overall capacity. As an alternative, I can rig up a small fan.
My concern is over humidity. I've read a lot about how other people solve their issues, but it is all a bit confusing, mainly referring to controllers from the States side. I've looked for ones in the UK, but I'm not really sure what I'm looking for! I am eagerly awaiting the arrival of a hygrometer to check the RH when the unit is running, but following a chat with a refridgeration engineer I am led to believe that wine coolers have very low RH.
Given the small capacity of the cooler, is a humidifier going to be overkill, or is it necessary? If so, what are the options available in the UK that don't require a good understanding of electronics to set-up? I've read so many different opinions that my head is spinning (that could also be the home brew), and when I think I've found something of use it tends to be from someone that's running a unit I could fit my entire kitchen in!
Apologies again, as I know humidity has been done to death, but many of the answers I've read just confuse me more.
Many thanks in advance!