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hi guys and gals

PostPosted: Thu May 24, 2018 3:25 pm
by dps51
hi all
just joined I have been making sausages and burgers for a few years now
but now that I am retired due to ill health I like to get into it a bit more
I musty do the making and her in doors do the cooking of the stuff I make
as due to health I can no longer do much of the cooking
so I will be looking for new recipes to try out
I am sorry for this bit I may be asking a lot of things also few pointers
right a bit about me sorry once again
I am a retired coach drive driven a lot around europe with over sea visitors and week tours around england
I keep pond fish poison dart frogs I like to try different thing out to try and make or do
I am married with two stepsons have a jack russel name ziva
well I think that's it for now
dps 51