I've just received my wh8040 digital hygrometer from eBay and am trying to calibrate it using the salt test.
For those who do t know this test you fill a bottle cap 3/4 full with salt then add some distilled water to make a slurry. You place this and your hygrometer into a small sealed container or zip lock bag and wait 6-12 hours for it to stabilise. The humidity should be exactly 75%.
I did this with my wireless hygrometer and it was only 1% out which is acceptable.
But while trying to test the wh8040 my readings are all over the place. When I first put the humidity and temp sensor in the RH climbs to over 95% even though my wireless sensor reads around 75%. If I open the lid it drops instantly but climbs again as soon as I close it up. A mate of mine brought one of these and he said it was already calibrated. The calibration only goes 7 % either way and mine seems to be more than 7% out.
No matter what I do the RH just keeps climbing all the time and won't drop much at all.
Any ideas on what could be wrong?