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Chamber sealer
Sat Jan 16, 2021 2:48 pm
by Brewdino
I am in the market for a chamber sealer, have had the opportunity to use a very high quality countertop machine, oil sump pump and dual seal bars. I am looking for input on what you guys/gals have, like and dislikes and if you had to do it over again what you would purchase.
Re: Chamber sealer
Thu Jan 21, 2021 4:52 pm
by X86BSD
As I’ve stated I personally am a big fan of LEM products. From their grinders and stuffers to vac sealers.
The best bang for the buck. Meaning it’s pricier than most except F. Dick (which lags behind LEM in features). But it’s built just about as well as you can get Chinese shops to build anything. They have several regular vac sealers and one chamber sealer. Check the reviews on them for yourself but they are highly reviewed across the board.
Their pro chamber sealer comes with dual seal bars, a five year warranty, extra seals and gaskets, extra heat bar, 10 1/4” seal bar, it also has manual adjustable sealing temp, time, and vacuum.
It’s $999 but you really get what you pay for. I know there are cheaper chamber sealers out there though if that’s not in your budget.
Re: Chamber sealer
Sat Jan 23, 2021 9:25 pm
by Brewdino
Thanks much for your input, I will be checking there unit out>
Re: Chamber sealer
Wed Dec 29, 2021 9:36 pm
by TorontoJoe
You really do get what you pay for. I've never owned a LEM product so I can't speak to them. Omcan is great if you buy one of the Italian made units. Turbovac is excellent. Made in the Netherlands.
Both SMAAK and Hi-Tech are both made in Canada and have solid reputations and are know to provide excellent support for their units.