Weight Loss Query

Postby welsh wizard » Mon Jul 05, 2010 11:40 am

Hi Oddly

Too true it will be a right pain in the bum! As i understand it (not yet official guidance) if you can get the temprature right down (no guidance coming through to me yet as to what that temprature may be) you can freeze if for a lot shorter period. Or even better if you have a blast chiller, shorter still.

Thank you for your link and I would be very interested but only once I have seen the guidance. I have in the past frozen salmon for a month and then somked them but they are not what I would call A1 coming out. It dosent hold a good flavour. I buy bloomin expensive fish,. Far more expensive than I could buy, so the integrity of the product is crucial to me and to my customers. What annoys me is salmon has been smoked for 100's of years and although I am a great believer in limiting risk, there is a limit. Ah well time for a valium (if thats how you spell it)

Cheers WW
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Postby beardedwonder5 » Mon Jul 05, 2010 1:06 pm

The Dutch used to lower a raw herring down their gullets on the way to work. Now, I think, the herring have to be frozen. And then thawed - and sold. The reason? (My memory could be shot.) Some worms, found in herring, and thought only to infect fish, were found in seals (i.e., mammals.) I haven't heard of any cases of human infection. (There could be thousands for all I know.) And I know nothing about the efficacy of freezing as a method for killing worms, their eggs, cysts, etc.

I seem to remember a Gunther Grass novel in which Germans played a russian roulette game with steak tartare. The risk: worms infecting the brain of the eater.

I like rare beef, and oysters, and eggnog, and .......

Sometimes I think that the guys at the USDA live on amino acid powders, hydrolyzed with triple-distilled water. And multi-vitamins twice a week.
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Postby wheels » Mon Jul 05, 2010 2:45 pm

There are currently rules requiring freezing of salmon to be eaten raw but, currently, cold smoked salmon is not considered raw:


http://www.food.gov.uk/multimedia/pdfs/ ... isakis.pdf

It's interesting to note that the freezing can currently take place pre or post processing.

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