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Brining or Dry Curing Salmon

PostPosted: Wed Sep 23, 2015 12:33 am
by vanessap
Hi Everyone,

I wondered what you experience and thoughts are on brining vs dry curing salmon? I would like to hot smoke on a low heat afterwards and then make a potted dish with the salmon.

If you have thoughts, experiences or recipes for the brining / curing it would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you for your time and help.


Re: Brining or Dry Curing Salmon

PostPosted: Thu Sep 24, 2015 10:20 am
by crustyo44
Hi Vanessa,
I always dry cure my Tasmanian farmed salmon slabs with a quick and simple cure. 1/2 cup of butchers/cooking salt, roughly 2 cups of brown sugar. some spices you like.
Mix everything together and coat the salmon fillets, lay them skin down on a rack in a plastic container and rub the rest of the salt/sugar mix in, laying the excess on top of the fish.
Refrigerate overnight, wash the fillets under running water and lay flat or hang to dry to form a pellicle.
Before smoking I usually sprinkle some garlic and onion powder on the fillets.
I always hot smoke mine for about 3-4 hours depending on conditions.
Google salmon smoking recipes or look at YouTube, that's where I got my ideas from.
Good Luck.

Re: Brining or Dry Curing Salmon

PostPosted: Sat Dec 23, 2017 6:54 pm
by catfishhoward
I found that anything that has been frozen need to be a dry brine and anything fresh can be wet brine or dry brine over night.