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Turan's site(s)
Wed Jul 01, 2015 9:51 am
by GUS
Due to low postage for a small order I recently opted for Turan's site (one of a few) but the thing was a bit dodgey offering a "404" notification more often than not.
Just recommended a person lookedon his site to get to grips with their first piece of curing as a low cost option, & once again his sites are coming up 404.
Nothing on his ebay listings either.
(which makes me look a twit) ..his facebook (I don't) is operational but can't find him on twitter to ask.
Anyone know whats happening?
Re: Turan's site(s)
Wed Jul 01, 2015 11:27 am
by wheels
I'm getting a 403 at I hope everything's OK.
Re: Turan's site(s)
Wed Jul 01, 2015 12:10 pm
by GUS
Thing is wheels I got it around a month back, it was attributed to loading up new stock.
I continued to get it on & off, which does make me think that it is more than a local exchange succumbing to the heat extremes.
His facebook page which I thought i'd check "in case" from late june, normal patterns.
Nothing on ebay, & has only recently had a listing notifiying of a holiday (thus delayed despatch potential) it it curious.
I hope he isn't caught up with a dodgy website holding him to ransom for making minor adjustments, cos that isn't necessary these days.
Re: Turan's site(s)
Wed Jul 01, 2015 12:21 pm
by wheels
I know that he was planning a site update, 'cos he asked permission to use a couple of things from my blog.
Re: Turan's site(s)
Wed Jul 01, 2015 1:13 pm
by GUS
Well I do wonder what the heck he's using because his site seems down more often than up, not hard to copy & past across pages of info & pop links to original pieces + accreditation.
Re: Turan's site(s)
Wed Jul 01, 2015 7:00 pm
by wheels
Yes, I must admit, it does seem odd.
Re: Turan's site(s)
Thu Jul 02, 2015 9:35 am
by GUS
..& it is back up again!
the haphazard appearance & disappearance is not condusive to commercial practise
"looks iffy" even though it is not from a customer perspective.
Someone really needs to have a word &get him to change whoever he is using to host.
Re: Turan's site(s)
Fri Jul 24, 2015 1:08 pm
by Coldsmoking
Hi Guys, Thanks for your concern. This was an unfortunate blip which occurred while we were out of the country. Annoying but now fully resolved thankfully.
Re: Turan's site(s)
Fri Jul 24, 2015 8:22 pm
by GUS
Glad to hear that Turan, I must have tried 30-40 times to access the site, left it a while, the had it happen again, ..glad it's sorted, I was miffed as heck when it happened again soon after the last time.
I shall offer some gift of great worth to the internet gods to curry favour by sacrificing some maple bacon, ..just in case.
Thanks for the speed of despatch on my fairly recent order, it was greatly appreciated!