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Easy to build Cold Smoke Generator

PostPosted: Thu May 11, 2017 3:54 pm
by JLPicard
I didn't think posting in this old thread would be appropriate so I thought I'd bring the discussion back to a new thread.
Here's the link to the old thread and discussion:

It makes for a great read, but unfortunately, none of the image links are still active. I have some 4" Al pipe I want to play around with to see how well these work as cold smokers. Does anyone that posted in the original thread still use this?
Here's another link to another site with a nice homemade coldsmoke generator:
He even incorporated a smoke purge fan to empty out his smokehouse so he can open the door. My smokehouse is in my basement so I would probably do the same.

Re: Easy to build Cold Smoke Generator

PostPosted: Thu May 11, 2017 8:52 pm
by wheels
This sort of cold smoke generator seemed to feature less on forums once the much simpler Cold Smoke Generator (CSG) became available from ProQ.

It looks pricey for a small simple bit of kit, but I've yet to meet anyone who used the older systems that doesn't think it was a major step forward. 12 hours smoking without hassle.



Re: Easy to build Cold Smoke Generator

PostPosted: Fri May 12, 2017 6:17 pm
by NCPaul
In the US this is a good option as well:

Re: Easy to build Cold Smoke Generator

PostPosted: Sat May 13, 2017 5:29 am
by RodinBangkok
I know a lot of people have trouble keeping those maze type units lit when using different types of chips/dust, but as I've never used one, I can't say for sure. I use a home built gravity feed using charcoal in the bottom, works great for me, uses an aquarium pump for venturi type injection of smoke.

Re: Easy to build Cold Smoke Generator

PostPosted: Fri Nov 16, 2018 1:50 pm
by gsevelle
I've played around with several ways to cold smoke including using the off set box on a Bradley electric smoker. A month ago I built a table top cold smoker that works great. I purchased:
-- Breville smoking gun
-- 600 hotel pan
-- 400 perforated (holes in it) pan insert
-- 3/4 inch firewall grommet

Drilled hole in lower two inches of side of hotel pan for grommet. Insert the end of the hose into the grommet so that it fits snugly and does not leak. Place fish/cheese/whatever you want to cold smoke in perforated pan and place in 600 pan and cover. Fire up the smoking gun and smoke for however long you need to. The Smoking gun will go through a couple of teaspoons of sawdust in 15 minutes. I alternate with 15 minutes of smoke then wait 15 before refilling and smoking again. I've do this with Grauv Loxs and it turned out great.
-- Small footprint easy to store
-- Easy setup
-- Can be used indoors

Enjoy the flavors of smoked food without having to setup the big smoker.

:P :D :drool:

Re: Easy to build Cold Smoke Generator

PostPosted: Fri Nov 16, 2018 2:23 pm
by gsevelle

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