Emulsifying with Cutter

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Emulsifying with Cutter

Postby raifemre » Wed Jan 21, 2015 9:50 am

Hello there,

I bought a mini 20lt cutter. You can click here and see => http://www.arimakina.com.tr/timthumb.php?src=images/products/37774krt20.jpg&w=375

I tried to emulisfy the meat for making sausages but I failed I think.
The steps I followed are;
- Put 800gr lean meat with 75gr ice-water on slow speed cutting. (2-3min)
- Added nitrate and salt with 75gr ice-water on high speed cutting (2-3min)
- Added spices with 75gr ice and continue on high speed (5min)
- Added 250 gr fat w/ high speed (5min)

The final texture of the paste doesnt look full emulsified.There was fat bits in it.After I cooked them, sometimes big bits were coming to the mouth and it doesnt feed good believe me.After a while ( 4-5 hours) sausage puked fat on its outer side.I think I broke the emulsification.

So, what am I doing wrong ; minutes ? , temperature of the paste ? or the meat that I used ? I dont know.
I need full steps detailed.Also I cant use pork because of religios rules.

This was the final product : https://scontent-a-cdg.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xap1/v/t1.0-9/10423269_1577038295873153_5920085263135017015_n.jpg?oh=d415fe728533fae1ff73418461a79a2d&oe=552D4AD2
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Re: Emulsifying with Cutter

Postby This Little Piggy » Mon Jan 26, 2015 4:35 pm

It's hard to say for sure, but first off I'd say that you need to add the full amount of salt right at the beginning (with the lean meat), without liquid, in order to extract the myosin that will bind the sausage together and keep the fat from separating. Temperature is also critical. If your mix gets too warm during chopping, the fat will begin to melt and coalesce so that the protein matrix is no longer able to keep it in suspension.

You can find a lot more information about proper myosin extraction in the Salt Cured Pig's Porkopedia: http://thesaltcuredpig.com/Porkopedia/i ... tle=Myosin
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Re: Emulsifying with Cutter

Postby wheels » Mon Jan 26, 2015 5:50 pm

The document that Gary posted a link to may also assist, it's in this thread:



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Re: Emulsifying with Cutter

Postby raifemre » Fri Jan 30, 2015 3:36 pm

Thanks for your replies.I found out the reason which is "temperature".Also I added more water to emulsify the meat and it works at the moment :) But need to work on it more for perfect emulsifying
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