Mortadella di Amatrice

Recipes for all sausages

Mortadella di Amatrice

Postby [email protected] » Sat Jan 09, 2016 1:27 am

Not sure if the right place to post but here we go!, I'm a big fan of Mortadella di Bologna.... while surfing the interweb, i stumbled on this:

"A close cousin to Mortadella di Bologna is the Mortadella di Amatrice. This smoked and aged mortadella is native to the town of Amatrice located in the Apennines. This version is flavored with a different spice blend that includes cloves and cinnamon." :drool:

I'm trying to find some guide lines to make this stuff but so far, no luck....anyone familiar with this? is this only cold smoked and poached after or is it all cooke in the smoker? any info will be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
[email protected]
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