Enterprise #10

Where to buy, how to use. Stuffers, casings, spices, grinders, etc.

Enterprise #10

Postby Kodajo17 » Wed Jun 27, 2018 10:22 pm

Apparently I don't know how to work the internet. I've found an old Enterprise #10 Tinned Meat Grinder and I'm trying to establish if it's safe to use. I've looked everywhere but I can't find a direct answer. Is the old Tin coating safe? Can I reliably test it for lead without paying an arm and leg? Can I strip the Tin coating off completely? If you can't tell, my biggest concern is lead poisoning. Half the internet says stay away from vintage things, the other half just cleans the rust off and says it's good to go. Any direct help would be much appreciated.

For the record, I did use the search function, but it can't tell the difference in lead the verb and lead the metal.
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Re: Enterprise #10

Postby wheels » Thu Jun 28, 2018 6:52 pm

Firstly, welcome.

I know nothing of this subject but an intrigued; why would something that's tinned contain lead? Now, I know that tinned food contained lead because of lead solder used to join the metal, but surely it wasn't in the tin coating? I know that tin is an element in it's own right, not an alloy. I've always understood it to be safe?

I doubt that your grinder has solder - isn't it made by casting?

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Re: Enterprise #10

Postby DanMcG » Fri Jun 29, 2018 7:09 am

Tin is an element and not an alloy, and probably electroplated to the casting. I wouldn't be concerned.

Welcome to the forums.!
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Re: Enterprise #10

Postby Kodajo17 » Fri Jun 29, 2018 11:29 am

Thank you guys for the help. I feel much better about it now.
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Re: Enterprise #10

Postby Kodajo17 » Sat Jun 30, 2018 5:37 pm

So I actually ended up with a large bolt down Keen Kutter K112 meat grinder. Bought it at a local antique store here in town. Everything looks great but in my excitement to purchase it I didn't notice the knife inside was totally shot and useless. Don't even think it's able to be sharpened. Does anyone know of an online place to buy parts and pieces for old grinders if there is any?
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