My questions are in regards to remembering the old school Italians making and air curing a basic air dried-cured Italian Sausage.
I witnessed such being made a good number of times in my past, very simple minimal recipes, basically all I ever seen them use, was Salt, Pepper, Fennel, and maybe Hot Pepper for a Hot Sausage, nothing more.
Then prick, tie up, hang in some cool/cold ventilated part of the "Bash-A Ment", tend to, and basically wait 4-6 weeks.
I know you folks in the wise here would say this could be a quite dangerous method, hit or miss dependent upon a number of factors. But probably one way of how it was commonly done in the distant past, there were no other methods, or products.
So, may I ask this:
I'd assume the correct, and safer way would be to include a cure in such recipes, likely #1 Cure in the required amount? Does such Cures impart their own characteristic flavor quality which may or can change the flavor character of such a basic air dried Sausage which I'm seeking to replicate?
Thanks folks!