Beginners luck?

General Cheese making discussion

Beginners luck?

Postby Patricia Thornton » Fri Nov 23, 2007 5:56 pm

I've just sampled my first attempt at cheesemaking, which started out as such a disaster back in September, and I'm pleased (impressed even) at the result.

I think I followed the recipe supplied by Franco for a quick Lancashire cheese but, because of the problems I'd had I was loathe to let anyone try it until it had matured for over 2 months - I'm fairly certain that I'd read somewhere how you can't really poison people after that length of time.

Anyway, the resultant cheese was creamy, slightly crumbly and with a nice after-bite. My husband loved it and he's the one who eats cheese like it's going out of fashion so that's as good an endorsement as I need to make a lot more.

I know I'm quite old but on reflection I found it all rather exciting, so if you haven't tried cheese making yet, I would certainly recommend you start.
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Postby jenny_haddow » Fri Nov 23, 2007 8:47 pm

Well done Patty. You cant beat a nice piece of home made cheese, the flavour can be quite stunning at times. I'm spending Christmas in France and my daughter (who will be with us) has requested I take out some home produced stilton. It seems a bit cheeky taking cheese to France!


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Postby BlueCheese » Mon Nov 26, 2007 11:41 pm

Congrats !! home cheese is so gratifying.
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