This probably is a simple one.
I make bread. Pretty simple procedure. Sourdough from whole wheat flour.
So, the last thing I do, I put the dough in the forms and put it in the warm oven. I preheat it a little bit.
In about an 1-2 hours I carefully open the oven not to shake anything or not to bring the wind draft inside.
I see that dough jave risen well almost to the top of the form.
Then I set the oven to bake. about 450 *F, and "BAKING".
Set up my cell alarm for about 1 hour to wake me up when it is done.
I wake up come to the oven, bread is done baked completely. The problem is that now instead of being almost at the top of the form as I would like, the top of the bread went down significantly, back almost to what original level was before I have put it to rise???
This makes me feel real stupid, because it seems I did everything right and it is little microorganisms that live in the dough were very upset with me, before they died.
While there were so happy enjoying the meal I gave them that they have probably were having one of the best fiestas in their live, but right after that I have burned them. So, what should I do to keep them happy?
I probably also would be mad if somebody first feeds me good meal but then put me in the fire, and before I die I would try to make the person that did it to me feel bad. I understand that.
Still, there should be a way around it?