Well let me update you on the Great Southern Alberta Sausage Saga.
I had 43 pounds of sausages made in the first batch. A friend, another Brit, asked if he could try them and bought a pack off me. He cooked them up when yet another friend was at his house and they both came back and asked for 5lbs each! That was the start as the following month has seen all the rest go and I have a stack of orders for more. This was not what I intended but as I only order the ingredients and sell them I have decided to double up and do 100 pound next. It fits well with my regular work as I meet lots of people and I have 15 customers right from the start.
Anyway, a couple of questions for the knowledgeable out there in the big world.
1. Can I assume that I can keep increasing the quantities in the same proportions? I know with some catering this is not the case but cannot see any reason why this should not be feasible for sausages.
2. Can anyone tell me why you would use rusk over breadcrumbs or vice versa? I have seen the recipe on here for making rusk but cannot be bothered with the hassle at this stage. I was very happy with the rusk from sausagemaking.org but obviously this is a bulk item that costs to ship from UK. On the other hand I am wary of changing too much and ending up with what can be regularly purchased here in Canada.
3. My wife said the Lincolnshire I made was perfect for bbq and bangers and mash but a little strong for a breakfast sausage. Fussy I know but who is brave enough to tell her? I was considering making my own Lincolnshire spice - thanks to Parsons recipe - and was guessing what I could leave out to make a blander breakfast sausage taste? perhaps the sage, ginger or allspice?
Anyway regards to you all and happy sausage making.