grisell wrote:Thanks, kimgary. Now, I may be completely wrong, but my guess is that apples were used in HP Sauce instead of tomatoes initially, because of the (probable) rarity of tomatoes in GB 100 years ago. The ingredient list has obviously been modidied since then. I doubt you'd find glucose-fructose syrup, modified cornflour and flavourings in the original recipe. The strange thing is that the home-made with apples tastes very similar to the tomato-based sauce.
Perhaps it was made with apples because it was made with apples?
Tomatoes have been cultivated in England since the mid-to-late-16th century, and were curiosities in upper class gardens from shortly after they were introduced from the New World into the species gardens of Spain and Italy. Were tomatoes rare in England 100 years ago?
If there is truly nothing wrong with high-fructose corn syrup (glucose-fructose syrup), why does the food industry work so hard to hide it?