It seems that to do things proper like one has to take the bull --in this case; the fish by the fin Ok, ok we will leave the jokes to the comedians and I will try and do what I do best and that’s wing it
This was one of them times trying to get ex accounts back from my ex partner. It turned out that the account would rather stay with my ex partner and the name rather than going with the person (myself) behind the name, oh well you cannot win them all and sooner or later they would come knocking at the door ---
I turned and headed for the door to leave when the question was asked ---
‘do you make seafood pies?’
My answer was that we was working on a recipe and the prototype should be ready within the week, it seemed that my ex partner was waving the fish over the pie and piling the spuds on the top so until the customer tried/ate the pie they thought that they was getting good product because of the name
The following is what I tossed together after doing some research on the internet and not finding anything that inspired me
2 kg each of the following;
White pepper
White sugar
Flavour enhancers;
Fish stock
Cooked fish; Salmon on the left, Haddock centre and Pollock on the right
Ingredients – Flour, Milk, Vermouth and spices
Start of making the roué – Margarine and flour
Spices clockwise; White pepper, salt, dill, sugar
Milk has been added along with the spices
Vermouth and fish stock has been added
White sauce ready
Shrimp in first
Peas next
Followed by the carrots
Salmon left Haddock right with the Pollock below
Pollock followed by the Haddock
Last of all the Salmon, all three fish are blended in gently so that there are chunks rather than just flakes
280 gm into the containers, note the chunks of fish
Mashed potatoes
Seafood pies frozen over night and now ready to be topped with mashed potato
Mashed potato has cheddar cheese added (for another layer of flavour) and blended in, also added is some dried parsley due to some people with fish allergies as we make Cottage pies as well as Shepherd pies with the same mashed potato and do not any mistakes made picking up the wrong one
Mashed potato piped on top of the fish pie – ready to eat