Kraut-chi5.5 lbs red cabbage coarsely chopped, but the cores finely chopped
1 large onion chopped fine
1 large knob of ginger chopped fine
2 bunches of scallions cut in 1-inch pieces
1 large garlic chopped fine
1/3 cup Korean pepper flakes
2.2% kosher salt by weight
Everything that was chopped fine was chopped in a little manual circular chopper container, so it took very little time. The main cabbage was hand chopped. I had plastic food-service gloves on while mixing and squishing the ingredients, and as they went into the glass gallon jar they got stomped down with a wooden cabbage stomper. The point is to make the veggies release liquid, since mold and yeast are aerobic at want the natural lactobacillus to sour the veggies, preserving them, before mold and yeast can get established. So it all needs to be under its own liquid.From start to the end of clean-up took two hours, while chatting with my wife, who was making meat loaf and potato salad. We're both very grateful for dishwashers!
It will ferment at room temperature for a week, then at 65°F for two weeks. Three weeks from now we'll be gettin' all stinky wit' it... the kraut-chi, I mean.
Dort wo man Bücher verbrennt, verbrennt man auch am Ende Menschen. - Heinrich Heine.